Workers' Compensation Attorney in Fontana

Our mission is to provide clients with strong ADVOCACY, honest SERVICE, and stellar RESULTS.

The law is on your side. You deserve to be treated fairly and with dignity, just like anyone else. Our Fontana Workers' Comp attorneys are ready to take your case and fight for you every step of the way. All you have to do is pick up the phone and give us a call!

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In California, the Division of Workers’ Compensation exists to provide medical benefits, lost wages and other compensation to injured workers within the state. Employees who suffer injuries or illnesses in the course and scope of his or her job can qualify for financial compensation without having to prove fault or negligence.

Fontana workers’ comp attorney 

Our Fontana workers’ comp attorneys have helped countless clients through the difficult process of coping with their injuries. We know what it is like to be injured and we understand how important it is for you to get back on your feet as soon as possible. You need an attorney who will fight for you, make sure that you receive all of your compensation, and cut down on the time it takes to settle your case so that you can return to work.

What happens after you get hurt at work in California?

You just got hurt at work! Now what?

“Should I report the injury?”

“What if I lose my job?”

“Should I go on disability?”

“How long will I be off work?”

“How will I pay my bills?”

If these are questions going through your head, you need a compassionate workers’ compensation attorney that understands what you are feeling.

The work injury lawyers in Fontana can handle your case

Workers’ compensation in California covers almost any accident or injury that can happen to the employee while they are on the job. However, some accidents occur more often than others. One example is when a worker falls from an elevated surface and sustains injuries such as spine fractures, brain damage, or nerve damage.

Common workplace accidents in California include:

What workers’ compensation damages are available in California?

We often take for granted the importance of workers’ compensation benefits, especially in California. In this state, even if you can’t work because of an injury or illness, you’ll still be able to get treatment from a doctor and purchase medication that will help with your pain. Workers’ compensation also pays for travel costs so that doctors who specialize in treating certain injuries can see you.  It’s a no-brainer to file for workers’ compensation after an accident! However, the process can often be intimidating: that’s why we’re here to help.

Do I need a Fontana workers’ comp lawyer?

Countless injured workers never receive the compensation, medical care, and rehabilitation services they need. Frequently these employees may be unaware that they have a right to choose their doctor for an adequate level of treatment but recent legislation has been making headway on this issue by enacting new laws which allow them this power and privilege.

Some appeals are denied outright. Don’t accept this. You may miss out on the care and treatment you need to recover fully. Your financial compensation might be lower than it should be if you don’t get a second opinion before filing an appeal. This is where a workers’ comp attorney will give you the best chance at your appeal. 

Contact Jones Legal for workers’ compensation representation in Fontana, California

In the United States, the workers’ compensation system was created to compensate employees who become injured on the job. The insurance companies of employers work to limit benefits and they use this system in order to do that goal. You deserve compensation for your injuries. With an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer, you can get the money that you need and deserve.

As your advocate, Jones Legal will navigate the tortuous workers’ compensation system to help you take full advantage of the benefits provided by law. We help select a physician for you so that you receive the treatment needed to recover.